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How to Create the Best Video Resume

Want to learn how to create a great video resume? Find out how the Best Video Resumes are made.

The JOBMA platform enables you to craft the best video resumes for free. This is the core component of the JOBMA platform. JOBMA guides and permits the job-seeker to easily create a video resume using any device: desktop, laptop, smart phone, tablet, camera, or a professional video camera.

Points to keep in mind while creating a video resumes:

Brand or position yourself according to how you want Employers to view who you are. A well presented Video Resume makes a huge difference.

1. Appearance
Dress for the job! Dress the way you would for an interview. A video resume puts you in control of your first impression with Employers, and what you wear affects this. Appearance is the first thing Employers notice before your video pitch even begins. Appearance needs to be positive & professional.

2. Language
Speak clearly and concisely. Make sure your video pitch is free of slang or unnecessary complex language. Use your best video resume as an opportunity to show Employers you can speak comfortably and have a firm grasp on verbal communication. Words need to be clear, simple and optimistic.

3. Background
Be aware of where you record your best video resume. A messy room, or a cluttered table create an unprofessional picture for Employers. Wherever you choose to record your video pitch, make sure the area is well lit and it looks clean leading to a positive first impression.

4. Character
A video resume is an opportunity to tell your story. Show your personality and character in your video pitch. Make sure to sound excited about the job opportunity. Smile and convey the right words through your video resume. Employers don't want to listen to someone reading off of a script in a monotone voice. Show Employers how different, resourceful, artistic and that you are the best choice for the job.

5. Sound
Sound is very important for your video resume. You want to be heard and understood. Be aware of your surroundings and what background noises could affect your presentation. Avoid music or other sounds such as a TV playing in the background. These will not only distract you, but also the Employer when viewing your video resume.

Last but not least, watch out for the results by using the right device to capture and upload video resume on the video resume website; get a life changing job for your career.

Want some worthy resources ? learn more through the given ones: